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2 Answers

Long solo XC with new CFI

Asked by: 3042 views Student Pilot

Im currently a student who has just recently completed my initial solo XC flight, which went uneventfully. However, my CFI has recently left for the airlines before I have gotten the opportunity to make my Long XC. Before he left I was told by him that I would have to undergo more crosscountry training sessions with my new cfi as I would be flying "on his endorsment". I am very confused as to why this would be because I was already endorsed stating that my cross-country navigation and flight skills were good and that endorsement is still valid, it seems like the only future endorsement I need would be one stating that my planning was correct and that the weather conditions were within my limitations. Any help would be much appriciated.

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2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on May 29, 2016

    The instructor must:

    (d) Limitations on authorized instructors to permit solo cross-country flights. An authorized instructor may not permit a student pilot to conduct a solo cross-country flight unless that instructor has:

    (1) Determined that the student’s cross-country planning is correct for the flight;
    (2) Reviewed the current and forecast weather conditions and has determined that the flight can be completed under VFR;
    (3) Determined that the student is proficient to conduct the flight safely;
    (4) Determined that the student has the appropriate solo cross-country endorsement for the make and model of aircraft to be flown; and
    (5) Determined that the student’s solo flight endorsement is current for the make and model aircraft to be flown.

    None of these requirements demand that the instructor endorsing your planning for the cross country would necessarily require a flight. I would look at your logbook to see if you were flying regularly and recently to determine if I was comfortable with your proficiency. If I was not comfortable, say you hadn’t flown in two months, I would want to do a short flight with you to determine if you needed more instruction. Most instructors could determine that with a single trip around the pattern and see if you could track a course to a nearby VOR. But in general, if you are flying regularly, and are current on all your endorsements, IMHO a flight is not necessary.

    Kris K or Mark might have a different opinion.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Jun 01, 2016

    Like all FAR requirements, the requirements for a solo cross country flight provide a minimum standard. An equivalent: You haven’t flown at night fir 5 years and your night flying time is minimal. All the FAR requires is 3 take offs with full stop landings. So no problem doing 3 stop and goes and then putting the spouse and kids in the plane for an overnight cross country for a vacation, right?

    I use that somewhat extreme example to make a point. Instructors dealing with student pilots have to engage in risk management. And that involves a lot more than “the FAR says it’s OK.”

    Requiring additional xc training sounds like a bit much, but I really can’t answer the question whether any flight or one flight or extensive additional training Is needed in this case.

    I simply don’t know enough about it.

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