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3 Answers

Multiple aircraft stall speed configurations?

Asked by: 6012 views ,
Flight Instructor

So couple of questions regarding power settings for multiple aircraft: 1. A checklist for a 152 i flew at 141 school stated that for power off landing conf. stall, you should get set up then power only back to 1200 rpm then stall. (of course many other steps but thats the short of it). For power off clean, throttle to idle then stall. So, if i now fly a beech bonanza or a piper arrow or a cherokee 140, how would you know what rpm or manafold pressure for each specific manuever for different aircraft?

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3 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Aug 30, 2013

    A primary purpose of stall training is to recognize the onset of a stall so that recovery can begin as soon as practical and to be able to recover from a stall or onset of a stall reflexively with the correct recovery method. Stall recovery is likely to be different based on the configuration of the aircraft, power setting, bank angle. When you get a checkout in a new aircraft type, your instructor should include stalls from a variety of conditions, most notably power off clean configuration, landing configuration at low power, takeoff or go around configuration with high power, and accelerated stalls. I instruct in Bonanzas and provide type specific instruction on all phases of flight including the stall series as a normal portion of type training. The Bonanza has ample warning prior to the stall including the stall warning horn and except for a stall in the approach configuration, there is a noticeable buffet prior to the stall break.

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  2. Sam Dawson on Aug 30, 2013

    A general rule of thumb. Power settings will get you in the ball park from one airplane to another- so about 1600 RPM will work for setting up slow flight in most fixed pitch airplanes. RPM/100 will get you the approximate settings in MP for most airplanes, and again these settings will be fairly close from one airplane to another, though you may well get different speeds.
    Pretty much the same for landings- in a fixed pitch airplane I will start my approach at about 1700 RPM, 1st notch of flaps on downwind, 2nd on base, final flaps on final. Works for a C-140, 150/152, 172, PIper… Pretty much every airplane I have flown with a fixed prop and flaps.
    Every constant speed airplane I have flow works about the same, but with 17″ as an initial power setting and landing gear possibly thrown I there.

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  3. skypilot1 on Aug 30, 2013

    Thanks for your answers! I have often noticed that coming from a 141 school you tend to do things and study to pass and you miss the finer details of why something is happening or how to apply things to another aircraft..or may be just me hahaha. Thanks!

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